CC100 ModBus RTU with Codesys Lib ModbusFB

I’m trying to read out some Sensors via Modbus RTU. Works nicely with WagoAppPlcModbus but I couldn’t get it to work with ModbusFB (, which I’d prefer. The PLC is a CC100 with FW 26, Codesys V 3.5.SP16P2. Has anyone done that yet? Maybe some tweaking on the CLI is required?
Any hints are appreciated!

Hello wmg,

For FW 26 I recommend using CODESYS V3.5 SP19 Patch2.

WAGO devices that have a Modbus Serial Port offer the ability to use the CODESYS Modbus Configurator. The CODESYS Modbus Configurator is a great way of setting up your Modbus devices versus using function blocks (see attached demo project).
wmg_demo.project (266.2 KB)

Setting Up Modbus Devices Using CODESYS Modbus Configurator:
ModbusConfigurator_Guide.pdf (96.5 KB)

  1. In the Project window, right-click on your project’s device and select “Add Device”.
  2. In the “Add Device” dialog, search for “Modbus” and open the tree. Select “Modbus COM” and
    “Add Device”.
  3. After adding the Modbus_COM component, right-click on it and select " Add Device".
    3.1 Double-Click Modbus_COM component to configure properties such as slave ID, baud rate,
    parity, etc.
  4. In the “Add Device” dialog, search for “Modbus Serial Master” and open the tree. Select “Modbus
    Master, COM port” and “Add Device”.
  5. After adding the Modbus_Master_COM_port component, right-click on it and select " Add
    5.1 Double-Click Modbus_Master_COM_port component to configure properties such as
    Response timeout.
  6. In the “Add Device” dialog, search for “Modbus” and open the tree. Select “Modbus Slave, COM
    port” and “Add Device”.
  7. After adding the Modbus_Slave_COM_port component, double-click on it.
  8. The Modbus Configurator will open in a new window. Here, you can define the slave address, add
    Modbus channels, and map Modbus words to application variables.

Best Regards,