Generate PDF reports with charts on the CC100

I am learning about the possibilities of the Wago CC100 PLC. I want to apply it to a plant that will only include some information from thermocouples and scales, along with two on/off controls. I will use Codesys to execute the logic and WebVisu to create a small operation and value display screen.
Additionally, I plan to generate a PDF report with some time-based charts. However, I don’t know the best way to do this using the CC100. With the possibility of running images in Docker, I thought about using Node.js or Python. However, I want to understand if it’s possible to use them with libraries like PDFKit in Node.js to generate reports. For now, I am not considering creating an external API to communicate via HTTP, and I’m looking for other feasible solutions.
The idea of using Node.js, Python, or even C# to generate PDF reports on the CC100 is achievable ? If not, is there any other way I can accomplish this?

The text was translated, so there might be errors. Thank you in advance for everyone’s attention!

Hello, this is one way…

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Thank you for your help!

However, can I generate documents with charts using this solution?

No, for charts you would have to create the html first (with embedded charts, etc) and then you could convert that to pdf using… node-red-contrib-pdf (node) - Node-RED