Customized button in visu

We would like to create a customized button in our HMI-display to make our graphics look nicer. We have therefore made a frame which is supposed to be a button. Inside this frame, we have declared a local variable which hides one of two rectangles. This bool is e.g. activated on mouse down, and deactivated on mouse up. This works fine. However, when I add this frame to one of our displays, and adds more input configurations to this frame, e.g. execute ST-Code, then the “internal” input configurations stop working. Anyone have any ideas on how to get around this?

This is interesting.
what version of codesys / e!Cockpit are you using ?

We are using Codesys 3.5 SP18 Patch 2.

This visu function definitely works, can you please post screenshots of how you have the visualization setup?