It would be nice to have a wago library that can talk with KNX/IP interfaces. Then we could use CC100 or other PLC to connect to diffrent KNX linjes. It must support more than one IP interface. I building today we use one Wago knx TP card one every line inn the bulding. It would be nice to could use IP insted
Indeed, but it seem to be kinda hard to do …
One way would be to use a docker system and an exchange between codesys and the docker system.
But I have no idea which container to use.
(Node-RED ? Other ?)
I think nod-red could be on way. But We need a fast way to do it. When you have a KNX site with 2000 devices it must be fast to make the converter from knx to bacnet or opc/ua. Today we use a python script to read from a excel fil that have the knx project. and it makes the codesys code. But that is when we use wago TP KNX card. The best would to have a knx libary that would let us use codesys to communicate with IP interfaces.
KNX_M1.txt (1.9 KB)
knxVar.txt (10.2 KB)
Set_RomNavn_KNX_M1.txt (438 Bytes)
setpunktList_M1.txt (953 Bytes)
ST_RB_M1.txt (2.4 KB)
ST_RT_M1.txt (2.0 KB)
ST_RY_M1.txt (3.3 KB)