Get commands in config-tools

Hi! I am using the config tool FB for running different kind of scripts from the /etc/config-tools/ folder.
Are there any list or documentation where I can find the supported commands?
Until now I have tried to use google for finding previous commands and simply guessing when I tried to find the firmware version (./get_coupler_details firmware-revision)
I tried going into the source code without any luck.
See example under for information.

	ConfigToolSerial : WagoAppConfigTool.FbConfigTool;
	xSerialExecute : BOOL := TRUE;
	xSerialDone : BOOL;
	xExecute := xSerialExecute,
	sCallString := './get_coupler_details serial-number',
	xDone => xSerialDone,
	xBusy => ,
	xError => ,
	oStatus => ,
	sResultString => GVL_DeviceInformation.SerialNumber);

Thanks for checking this out :slight_smile:


There are 2 ways to get what you need.

1/ Connect in SSH on your controller, and navigate to /etc/config-tools folder, and based on what you are looking for, you can get information from a script with -h parameter

/etc/config-tools/get_coupler_details -h

2/ Another way, if you want to mimic a commang or to get on information which is available in the WBM, you can go in the corresponding page, perform the command you want to use in your program, then go in the log /var/log/sudo.log. You will see the corresponding config-tools script which are called by the WBM.


Perfect. That was just what I was after :slight_smile: Thank you very much!