Hello to the community
I need to display a dynamic image on a visu page of an Edge Controler (Codesys 3.5 SP19 Patch7), so I declare a string variable (Variable ID image) that I modify with OPC_UA.
When I modify the string with OPC_UA, the variable is updated, but the visu codesys only takes the first 84 characters of the string (declared as 255).
Has anyone had this problem before, or do you think you know where the limitation might come from?
If you use an Image pool and use the variable “Bitmap ID” then you can use only the ID that you have define in the Image pool.
By default it’s the picture name but you can rename it if you want.
Thanks Quentin,
I don’t use an image pool, but I fill in the string variable with the local path of the image to display.
And it works fine, as long as the path length doesn’t exceed 84 characters.
I need to display images stored in a folder on the Edge Controleur, as these images are regularly updated and their names also change.
I have an external element that deposits these images and communicates their names to display them in the Codesys visu
And I can’t understand the path’s character limit (well below 254).
I don’t know where this limitation comes from.
Could you provide an example of configuration in the visualization element ?
Maybe you can’t just concatenate the base folder (which is always the same) and provide only the filename in OPC-UA ?
Thank you very much Quentin,
The behavior is curious, by testing, I notice a ‘procedure’ to follow (by clearing the string before changing image no longer limits the length of the path)
I also thought of putting the base of the path as a symbolic link, or as your solution concatenated the base directly in codesys …
I’ll do a lot of testing and keep you posted.
Rather than an example, can I suggest that you and Jean-Phillipe drop in to see us sometime?
Hello, Back in the codesys 2.3 time, there was the possibility to use absolute path (/home/codesys/…) or relative path (visu/image.png), Have you tried that ?