PFC100 Dynamic Modbus RTU addressing

Looking for some assistance, keep running into dead ends and broken links for last few days on this. Using codesys V2.5 SP 19 patch 2.

I am using a PFC100 and using the built-in Modbus configuration in the device tree. All this is working smoothly and communicating with my Modbus slaves.

However, I am wanting to have some dynamic addressing so a user can input what register to read/write to a slave and view this data on the PLC. End goal is to allow the users to view/update slave params as needed. I am finding in the channel setup the read/write register fields only allow static input in the addressing

Is there any way to program a dynamic channel or dynamically read registers for my existing slaves?

IoDrvModbus.ModbusRequest2 looks promising but cannot see how to get the
RTS_IEC_HANDLE for my existing serial (Modbus_COM).

Cannot answer for the Modbus-“configurator” but I know that this is feasible throught the FBModbusMaster_RTU - then you’d have to programatically setup the modbus-communication.

Yes, if you want to make these dynamic then the Modbus library would be easier since you can use variables to configure the devices.

This shows the library, but the example is for ModbusTCP. The RTU is very similar though, it just lacks the IP parts. You will need FbMbMasterSerial function block. Also, this video was made with the older software called e!COCKPIT that was based on C3.5, so it will look a little different.