Looking for some assistance, keep running into dead ends and broken links for last few days on this. Using codesys V2.5 SP 19 patch 2.
I am using a PFC100 and using the built-in Modbus configuration in the device tree. All this is working smoothly and communicating with my Modbus slaves.
However, I am wanting to have some dynamic addressing so a user can input what register to read/write to a slave and view this data on the PLC. End goal is to allow the users to view/update slave params as needed. I am finding in the channel setup the read/write register fields only allow static input in the addressing
Is there any way to program a dynamic channel or dynamically read registers for my existing slaves?
IoDrvModbus.ModbusRequest2 looks promising but cannot see how to get the
RTS_IEC_HANDLE for my existing serial (Modbus_COM).