The “docker images” command is showing that you have successfully loaded the influx and grafana images to the system, but what “run” command syntax are you using? Does a “docker ps -a” command show active and running containers?
but they say that in additionnal pages of the documentation there is a SQL script
to create a database with 3 users and differents “privileges” (rights)
I think the exportinfludb.sql and exportgrafana.json files are missing.
Even when i create a database and i tell him to use mydb the command
docker exec -it c_influxdb influx doesn’t work
I noticed that the image being used is for InfluxDB 1.8.4. I think (although I’m not 100% certain) that InfluxDB 1.x does not have the web interface on port 8086 that InfluxDB 2.x has made available. That is why a browser connection isn’t bringing you to the login screen - I don’t think there is one!
So I think your InfluxDB container is working just fine. You can either use the docker exec command (like you show above) to enter the container and do commands like CREATE DATABASE <db_name>, SHOW DATABASES, USE <db_name>, etc. or you could use whatever tools are available in the program you will to interface with InfluxDB, like the WagoAppInfluxDB library, the Node-Red InfluxDB pallette, etc.
(One of your screenshots does seem to confirm it is working…you enter “use mydb” and the response back is “using database mydb”, which is correct.)
If you are trying to exactly replicate something in the app note from WAGO France, I think contacting them directly will be your best bet. I’m afraid I’ll have little insight into that and I’d have to Google Translate the entire thing.
i tried to install influxdb version 2 linux container, but it failed.
the answer was: it’s not an arm32v7 platform or something like that.
So I don’t think influxdb version 2 can be setup on PFC 200 8212 FW26.
I’s a pity because you can’t use web browser port 8086 to commission your measurements tags and fields .
The only way is to use commands, that it’s not easy.
Have you got an other way to do it ?
Does influxdb version 3.0 will be available for wago PLC ?
I agree - I tried to find a container of InfluxDB 2.x for arm32v7 and I was unsuccessful as well. I have only ever used version 2.x on an Edge Computer (amd64).
And sorry, I don’t know anything at all about InfluxDB 3.0. But I would guess that if 2.x can’t do arm32v7, 3.x won’t either.
When the PFC300 controller is released later this year, it will have 64-bit processor, so I am also guessing that arm64 containers will work on it.
Other versions are x64, so you have to use Edge Computer or PFC300.
Influx v1 doesn’t have any UI. To create dbs you can use Wago library or Time Series Admin