Trigger Dialog/PopuP window with vairble

Hi all,
I want to know how can i trigger dialog / Pop-up window on HMI when let’s say variable bool is TRUE. i will use it in a sort of alarm function to let the user know that the level of the tank is to low and in this dialog i do want to place an acknowledge button and information about problem.
Thx in advance

Hello @Tomast

Have a look at the FbOpenDialog function block

Hi @Ragren,
I’ve tested this Fb and it works indeed. My only question now is how to implement into HMI? Maybe silly question but yeah there are no stupid quesstions if u want to learn.
My set is PLC ↔ HMI (via OPC ua). HMI gets only values and allows to edit some of them and sends it back. I have no PRG running on my HMI - only Visualisations. I use 762-5204/8000-0001. I never tested on this hmi if i can run extra PRG for these Visu’s.
Thx in advance for your suggestions.