Use custom CANOpen stack on PFC200 Controller

  • Is it posible to run a custom (ie.PORT) CanOpen stack on PFC200 (WAGO 750-8214) Wago controllers?

If yes, are there programming examples(language C) available or hints how to get this working, specifically the connection between device driver and stack, which device is the device driver for the Can port?

If no, are there any (language C) programming examples how to use CanOpen from the DAL/API/SDI layer?

The PFC SDK is the pathway to do this, however this is a pretty steep learning curve to get started. You must first build a cross compiling VM with Ubuntu and the PFC SDK. Here is instructions to do this;

Then you will need to refer to an example c project that can be built in this environment to use the CAN port. This will create the ipk that can then be installed onto the PFC200. See attached. (258.5 KB)

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