Does anyone have working SMTP settings for Gmail?
I think I have tried all the possible combinations in WagoAppMail, already many times.
I’m trying to make runtime to send emails with attachment.
I’m using the App Password and have activated 2fa in Gmail settings.
As username I’m using the whole email address.
Even if I set the settings as Mike mentioned, I’m getting error “The remote server denied curl to login”. Any idea what could it mean?
I also tried to set typSSL_Options.xVerifyPeer and typSSL_Options.xVerifyHost to false, but it didn’t help.
I’m able to ping smtp.google.com from the controller, so that part should be fine.
I found out that it works if I’m using another Gmail account!
So the problem might be that the original account is blocking this login attempt.
Has anyone experienced the same? How to unblock it?