IIOT Library/ CSV Utility SL

I am having issues initializing the CSVWriter function block in my Codesys project on a 762-5305/8000-002 FW26 touch panel.

Is my directory correct, and what may be my problem?

Thank you,

I found the answer! only ‘/media/sd’ appears to work

since fw26 the file access is limited to /home/codesys, /tmp and /media/sd
If you want to add other paths, you can edit the file /etc/codesys3.d/RtsCore.cfg


Thank you for your assistance. I am having great luck with the CSV utility. Now I am trying to utilize the WagoAppMail so that I may be able to email a csv file that I generate. I am attempting to do this using the FbSmtpSendFile function block.

The Error that I receive appears to be from WagoSysCurl. Looking at this, it appears that there may need to be certificates preconfigured? I am confident in my internet connection and have been able to pull up the google browser from the TP600 web browser. Please see the error below:

Where can I find information about this to begin troubleshooting?

Thank you,

Nevermind, I found a fix! I just needed to set typSSL_Options.xVerifyHost := FALSE;
typSSL_Options.xVerifyPeer := FALSE; and the error went away.

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Now I can’t create folders right away? Do I need to manually create the folder or do I need to change the /etc/codesys3.d/RtsCore.cfg file to be able to create folders from codesys?

Modify the .cfg file to give access rights to Codesys. Add your new path to [SysFile] section.

@TomasD @David There is another way, do a symlink like this:

ln -s /media/files /home/codesys/PlcLogic/media_files

The reason is this will enable codesys to have access and also if the folder is not there, it will return your an error and not let codesys crate it.

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