Hi Guys,
Again as a beginner in codesys i come with simple question:
I wanted to open WagoAppPLCModbus documetnation via Library Manager but i get error that says “Opening embedded objects of an unsingned library is not allowed due to security concerns.”
I would like to manage it to work properly. Thx in advance
Documentation for the WagoAppPLCModbus library can be found here:
But Do you know if i can solve this error ? this is just security setting but how can i turn it off
Unfortunately CODESYS has blocked opening embedded objects of unsigned libraries due to security concerns. This was introduced with v3.5 SP17. You can access the library documentation from the link that @MikePsaltis included.
I got this documentation i am busy with it but one more thing:
I bought 879-9000 cummunication module as a gateway from RTU to TCP which wil say that i connected this module with eth cable to at this case CC100 (for test purpose) and A/B to RTU/RS-485 slave. How to configure the ehternet device and then master and server as by server codesys will ip adress for server/slave which i dont have cause it has only slve addres (in this case: 10).
This device supports Modbus TCP & Modbus RTU. Is the AB communicating with Modbus RTU, I thought this defaulted to DF1 protocol.
Thanks. I managed to get it working. I did it with communication configurator. First you need to add ethernet device and when u press browser he wil get the IP from the connected PLC. Then u need to add Master TCP, Slave TCP with IP adress of the gateway, then as last add Serial Slave with Unit ID. There is no need to set up the parity of baudrate 'cause it wil be done by the gateway.
It took me a while because i was testing it with module which was not working properly and i needed to send him back