WAGOAppPLCModbus Write Multiple Coils

Has anyone been able to successfully write more than 8 coils (function code 15, Modbus RTU) using the WAGOAppPLCModbus library? In my implementation it appears that the first word of the awWriteData gets passed to the modbus slave but subsequent elements of the awWriteData do not.

	utQuery.bUnitId			:= NodeID;
	utQuery.bFunctionCode	:= 15; 		
	utQuery.uiWriteAddress	:= 0;
	utQuery.uiWriteQuantity	:= 512;
	FOR i:= 0 TO 124 DO				
			utQuery.uiWriteAddress	:= 0;
			utQuery.awWriteData[i]	:= gvl.arCoilsForTransmission[i+1];
	xTrigger 				:= TRUE;