How to disable codesys 3 through the CC100 terminal?

Hey guys. I searched the internet for the correct way to disable codesys3 on the CC100 but I couldn’t find it and what I found was very confusing. Can anyone show me the command to disable codesys3?

Go in the Web Based Management, in Configuration / PLC Runtime and set PLC Runtime Version to none, click on Submit


Is there any way to do this deactivation via the command line? I am automating the configuration process.

/etc/config-tools/config_runtime runtime-version=0 restart-server=NO

(If you want to mimic a command or to get on information which is available in the WBM, you can go in the corresponding page, perform the command you want to use in your program, then go in the log /var/log/sudo.log. You will see the corresponding config-tools script which are called by the WBM.)


Thank you very much! You don’t know how that helped me. =)

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