PFC200 with 750-658 CAN Gateway - Unresponsive

Hi all,

I am in a tricky situation regarding a function that I am attempting to implement in my Codesys 3.5 project. So I am reverting to the Wago community for some wisdom, thanks in advance for any ideas or leads.

I have a PFC200, the 8210 variant with many 750 cards including a 750-658. I have the latest installation of Codesys approved by Wago, and the up to date ESI and library files. I am running two 354 Ethercat slaves, and all works perfectly. Also Modbus TCP is up an running.

However, I have no CAN data coming through, even after adding the correct “FbModuleConfigurationAndStatus” Function block, along with any of the FBs to read frames, either in Transparent mode or Mapped mode.

I have confirmed I have data on IO-Check, and tried Transparent and Mapped mode, etc…All good there, data is showing. But in Codesys, nothing, nada.

I spent a extensive time making sure I have the correct libraries and data types (as I had compiling errors before), that’s resolved.

Now when I execute the FbModuleConfigurationAndStatus it reads the 250Baud rate, Can mode (transparent), 29Bit extended, etc…correctly as I set in IO-Check, but it times out and throws the output “xError”, but does not give any error diagnostic information.

When I go to the 658 on the Kbus module list, I see that the configuration variables (K-Bus IEC Objects) show default values (wrong Baud rate, mode), certainly not what I have setup in IO-Check.

I believe I am pointing to the right device in the FB, as I read the baud and mode correctly, but somethings not right.

Attached are some images. Any advice is greatly appreciated, as I’m going round in circles now.

In WAGO I/O Check, could you try to enable Control Mode and then disable it ?

Thank you for your prompt response Quentin.

I tried as you suggest, and no improvement. I also installed additional libraries so see if there was something missing that was not being flagged.

I tried all combos again of setting the Can port open, running the configuration block and then resetting it, also tried closing. I then tried rebooting and just the configuration block and the frame Rx All block. I cannot think of any other combination of sequencing of what I have in the POU.

Attached is a screengrab of my libraries installed.

Its strange seems like it cannot read/write to the device on the Kbus, or that it is not initialized. However when putting the controller in Stop, and opening the 658 configuration page in IO-Check it works as expected. Then reversing the steps and trying in the Codesys project, nothing.

At first glance i don’t see anything weird.
Since the module work in I/O check i think you have a good module and configuration of it also good cabling.
Next i see the config function block is in error and only display the default data.
Could you test this:
Have the [CanL2Open] in one line.
The [CanComsConfig] in another one.
And the [RxFrame] in also another one.

The enable the [CanComsConfig] with the CanL2Open.xValid]
and the [RxFrame] with a [CanL2Open.xValid AND CanComsConfig.xDone]
Maybe there is a weird thing there.

Here is what i used in my project:
WAGO_CAN_Layer2_Device is the name I given to the 750-658.

Thank you Wagolcard for the response, In the end I solved the issue with some support from another source, we made a ST FB to decode the data. Which is a similar solution to what you proposed.

To provide some info back to the community, here is a screenshot of what we came up with, which is pretty much the original instructed guidelines from the library.

Thanks again for the thoughts and time to respond.

No problem, I am glad the problem has been solved.

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