Accessing the raw Process Data of a Serial Module in a PFC200 Node with CODESYS 3.5

Recently I was asked if it’s possible to access the raw process data of a serial module (e.g., 750-652) using CODESYS 3.5, similar to how it could be done with CODESYS 2.3. The user had written their own function blocks a few years ago in CODESYS 2.3 to control various serial devices through the process data, and they wanted to reuse that code rather than rewrite the function blocks using an I_Port (i.e., Interface object), as is typically done with CODESYS 3.5 and WAGO’s application function blocks.

In this case, the key is to use the I_Port methods to access the raw process data as byte arrays. These arrays can then be used in the PLC program as if they were mapped directly in the I/O configurator—similar to how CODESYS 2.3 maps the data.
The .SetProcessOutData() and .GetProcessInData() methods are then called during each PLC scan to refresh the arrays.



If I may, i would like to add:
Call .GetProcessInData() and .GetProcessOutData() before the program which use the IO and call .SetProcessOutData() after the program.


... customer code here ...


By doing this you will have the latest IN/OUT data before your code and update the OUT after your code.

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