If these devices are on the same network, and the ethernet bridge is set to switched, please add the EthernetIP scanner to the same Ethernet Device in the tree. It would then appear directly under the Modbus TCP connection, and you wont have “Ethernet_1 (Ethernet)”.
I suppose the wAIx_IP201 is declared in the Modbus TCP slave configuration ?
Or is it a local variable using the “AT %IWxxx” ?
What is the Modbus TCP slave configuration for its register and varaibles ?
I had the same issue and support in Germany wrote the following back in July:
«…recently we’ve got similar requests like this. In all those tickets two fieldbus systems are used and one of those is EtherNetIP based. It seems that this occurs in the firmware versions 25 and 26. Last week firmware version 27 was published and this version fixed this behaviours. Please let your customer try it with firmware 27. In my opinion this will help your customer….»
I have not tested FW27 with this setup to see if it actually fixed the behaviour.
I had the EIP Scanner under the same Ethernet driver;
My question to support: I want to run a Modbus TCP master and an Ethernet/IP Scanner simultaneously on a PFC 200 (FW25), but as soon as I add the EIP scanner as shown in the image below, without any EIP devices configured under it, the Modbus TCP master stops receiving data.
Everything seems to be fine with no diagnostic messages, and I can also see the request counter on the MB slaves increasing… However, as soon as I delete the EIP scanner and download the program again, I start receiving data from the MB slaves.
What is wrong? As mentioned, it’s a PFC200 FW25 (750-8214), using Codesys
I’m not in particular impressed with Wago FW testing recently …
Yes, my firmware previously was 25. Then I upgraded to 27. Then, using same code, im still unable to read ModbusTCP. After looking closely, the WAGO support guy asked me to try change the Ethernet Adapter by using the above one instead of the below one. Then, Im successfully can read both of them at the same time.