E/IP Scanner Issue Mapping IO

Have a 750-8212 as an E/IP Scanner reading various VFDs set as Adapters with their respective EDS imported.

Compile is fine, but CPU will go into Exception if I map a BOOL directly to the bit is references. Such as in the CiA402 Control/Status words. Mapping the WORD or BYTE data types only, everything works fine. This issue only occurs when mapping a BOOL directly within a BYTE or WORD. Tried using a BIT datatype as well with no change.

This happens across multiple 750-8212 (Target Ver:V6.2.0.0, FW:04.04.03(26)). Using Codesys V3.5.19.7 (present with V3.5.19.2 also) With multiple VFDs (Yaskawa GA500 and Altivar ATV630 specifically).

This method works fine with Modbus TCP devices.

Screenshots below of error message, call stack, PLC log and mapping example.


Can you please share a screenshot of where these variables are declared?


  • “FI” is a BOOL declared locally as VAR_INPUT for the FUNCTION_BLOCK “FB_DiscreteIn”.
  • “RunFbk” and “Fault” are instances of FB_DiscreteIn declared locally as VAR in the FUNCTION_BLOCK “FB_MotorVFDMain”
  • “MtrLeg” is an instance of “FB_MotorVFDMain” declared locally as VAR in the PROGRAM “MillMain”.
  • “Application” is the application containing the program “MillMain”.

I think the VAR_INPUT nature of your variable might be the cause of the exception. Try creating an intermediary local or global variable that you can assign to the EIP Bool values, and then pass that variable into your .FI inputs.

I can try that the next time I have a system to test on (fault only occurs on a live system in run mode).

Worth noting that the WORD data types being mapped are also VAR_INPUT and have no issues.

Creating intermediaries is what I end up doing but that is added work that breaks the structure of things. I don’t see a logical reason why it shouldn’t work.