I am a new Wago user and I am trying to create a database on an SD card in a CC100. I have a Siemens PLC sending a DB with some data to my CC100 and I need to create a database capable of storing up to 6 months of this DB. I need to store it on the SD card because I do not have internet access at the location where it will be installed. I have not yet found this topic on the internet to help me. If anyone can help me I am out of ideas on how to proceed.
what is your desired dataformat, do you need human readable data, like CSV or JSON. Or you just want to access the Data via the PLC Code, for example with an ByteArray or an SQLite database.
There are multiple ways, i will show you two and begin with the human readable one:
Store data in the CSV format, with the Wago Lib “wagoappdatalogger”
You can log up 160 channels, an also confgure those.
The channels can be saved in an cyclic-interval or you can trigger the writing of data with an event.
store the data as bytearray, with the “wagoappfiledir” - Lib
a) You have to store all data in an datatype, like an userdefined STRUCT or an Array of Byte.
b) in the picture you can see an example writte in CFC how to read and write the data to the sd card.