Codesys Communication manager - C0373: The Opc Ua server in the runtime does not support built in types like NodeId or LocalizedText


I am trying use the Codesys Communication Manager to set up an Opc ua server with a custom information model. As a start I am using the Boiler model available on Opc foundations github page.
I am testing with a Wago CC100 and using Codesys V3.5 SP19 Patch 6.

I get a warning C0373: The Opc Ua server in the runtime does not support built in types like NodeId or LocalizedText. Almost all object types in the specificaiton and companion specification uses Localized text. In my case, I would like to use the AnalogItemType. Is it correct that the Wago server dont support localized text? Is there a workaround for this? Not supporting LocalizedText seems equal to not supporting any standard models?