Users and Groups

Hi Guys,

I am really new to Codesys and Wago and i come to a point where i am setting up user management in my project. I am using 762-5204/8000-0001 TP600 HMI panel with upgraded latest firmware. When i try to set up users and Groups i get message that Ëditing this user is not supported by this device". Nomatter if i want to add/delete or edit goup or user i just cant do this.
Can someone help me with this. I think that for most of u it is really simple.

Hi @Tomast ,

At the moment Wago Devices only support the Legacy Mode of the Codesys User Managment.

The Runtime Based Usermanagement is at the moment as far i know not supported.

You can have a look at a video how it can be configured in e!Cockpit.
e!COCKPIT - User Management (

The Only Difference to Native Codesys is, you need to switch to the Legacy User Management

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It ws really helpfull. Thank u very much. Are there any plans to switch to runtime version in WAGO?
Maybe can you explain me a little bit more about advantages or diadvanteges of legacy and runtime mode ?

HI @Tomast

we requested this feature at our R&D to implement in further FW Versions.

as Far as i know, the Runtime Mode will connect the Codesys Runtime with the Linux OS Usermanagement PAM. (Maybe in the Future with LDAP interesting)

The Legacy Mode is like a “parallel” very simple Usermanagement which cannot be shared with the Linux Usermanagement. You need to define Users and Accessrights with an Administrator Access via Codesys Internal Mechanismns. ( It is only a CSV File )

Hi @Alexander_Landfried
Thank you for this info. What I did in my project is indeed legacy mode with my own users and groups. It works but it could be better.

PS. I NTGent past I used in my other project (TIA Portal), rfid-reader to login. Is it possible also with WAGO and codesys? I used for it Siemens RF1000 connected via usb to Siemens hmi. It worked really goed.

Hi @Tomast ,

If i have Updates regarding The Runtime-Based UserManagement i will inform you.

I dont’t think the RFID Reader from Siemens will work with USB Connection…
As far as i remember a few collegaues use PHG Rfid Reader in their Projects which use Modbus RTU or RS232 Communication. that will maybe work.